BatOnRoute offers iSAMS integration for your school bus routes

Schools using iSAMS as their management software can now easily link data with BatOnRoute.


500 schools in more than 12 countries already use BatOnRoute to manage their school bus and walking routes.

With this system they have control over the use of school transport, student absences and improve communication with families, who know in real time where their children are.

Is iSAMS your school’s management system? Now BatOnRoute offers integration with iSAMS for your school bus routes. We can easily link your data with BatOnRoute solution.

iSAMS is a 100% online school management software, it offers solutions for the administrative management of schools.

With more than 1,000 associated schools, iSAMS has covered the need to digitize all the work of teachers on a single platform, allowing the management of all the work carried out in an educational center.

What value does integration with BatOnRoute bring?

Thanks to
the integration with iSAMS you will be able to:

  • Carry out mass loading of students and families with updated data from iSAMS
  • Obtain the absences of the students on a daily basis for both morning and afternoon
  • Update student and family information in real-time
  • Reduce the margin of error, since the information is only inserted once in iSAMS and then automatically sent to BatOnRoute

What do I need to integrate my iSAMS data?

We will only need you to generate a key and activate the corresponding modules to link the data.


Contact us and we will guide you step by step.


If you have another management software and would like your data to be updated automatically, fill out the following form and our Automation and Integration team will contact you.

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